How can we help?

With such a broad range of facilities at Lionesa, you are bound to have many questions to ask. In anticipation of this, we have done our best to list those most frequently asked below.

Simply scroll down the page and select one of the many subjects to find your answers. If what you are looking for is not found, please contact us and we will be glad to help.

With such a broad range of facilities at Lionesa, you are bound to have many questions to ask. In anticipation of this, we have done our best to list those most frequently asked below.

Simply scroll down the page and select one of the many subjects to find your answers. If what you are looking for is not found, please contact us and we will be glad to help.



What are Lionesa's opening hours?

Lionesa is open 24 hours a day.

How can I consult the events that are planned to take place at Lionesa?

The AGENDA menu on this website has all the events taking place in the future.



How can I get information about the spaces available at Lionesa?

You can contact us at +351 229 064 801 or send an email to comercial@lionesa.pt.

How can I arrange a meeting to visit Lionesa?

You can contact us through the number +351 229 064 801 or send an email to comercial@lionesa.pt

Leisure and facilities

Leisure and facilities

What facilities are available at Lionesa?

Lionesa has a wide range of facilities; including retail, hospitality and health and wellbeing. For an in-depth breakdown, please visit Life at Lionesa

Getting to Lionesa

Getting to Lionesa

What is the best way to get to Lionesa by public transport?

In the Metro do Porto the nearest station is the Forum Maia Station. In the STCPs, the 505 line covers Lionesa.

Hello Card

Hello Card

Can you explain the community benefits card at Lionesa?

For residents at Lionesa we offer a community benefits card that covers a wide range of special offers. For more information visit the benefits page here