Blog Update

World Book Day

Written by Lionesa EN | Apr 22, 2022 5:21:01 PM

Yesterday, Lionesa community had the opportunity to live, in our central corridor, the literary experience of Lello Bookshop in order to celebrate World Book Day.

During lunchtime, every member of our community was invited to answer a quizz so they could find their own literary mood. Dreamer, Bored, In Love, Curious, Moody, Brave, Reflective, Optimist or Explorer, every one of them found their mood on a touch screen available at the corridor.

After discovering their mood, they found a book seller from Lello Bookshop waiting for them to give the perfect book according to the quizz result. The books that were offered are part of an exclusive collection of Lello Bookshop, called The Colection. Stories like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Great Gatsby, Selected Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe, The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Art of War were part of the books offered at this World Book Day celebration.

Besides these books, we offered some vouchers so that our community could visit for free Lello Bookshop and hence improve their reading habits.

Lionesa Business Hub joined Lello Bookshop to put our all community reading.